The director of Exploraciones Mineras del Cantábrico (EMC), José Manuel Domínguez, took part in a conference session of ‘Thursdays of mining and energy’ organized by the Official Chamber of Mining Technical Engineers and Mining and Energy Degrees of Castilla y León (North) and Cantabria (Cantabria delegation).

The theme of this third session of the conference series was the Salave project (Asturias), a gold deposit first discovered by the Romans in the 1st century AD, who extracted the most superficial and oxidized sections, compatible with their extraction methods. It is likely that after reaching a certain depth, the difficulties derived from water management at the bottom of the pit led to the mine’s abandonment and the consequent formation of the Salave Ponds in the deepest areas of the Roman extractions.

“We know that Salave is an ambitious project in terms of innovation and sustainability, which will bring wealth not only to Tapia, but to all the surrounding Asturian and Galician communities,” stated José Manuel Domínguez. “We are planning an operation based on the most cutting-edge, proven technology and a strong commitment to the environment, guaranteeing environmental sustainability, in accordance with the company’s own commitments, and complying with the strict regional, Spanish and European legislation”, he emphasized.

Likewise, the EMC director has encouraged students to highlight that mining is an “economic activity that has been able to adapt to the demands of today’s world, using technological innovation to guarantee the protection of the environment, among other issues”. “It is our trade, we must be responsible for educating those around us so that society is made aware that this is a necessary activity for our current way of life,” he concluded.

Conferences “Thursdays of mining and energy”.
This series of conferences, aimed at professionals under the Mining Engineering Chambers and students at the Polytechnic Engineering School of Mines and Energy, has focused its 2021-2022 edition on analysing the development of mining-energy technologies and their contribution to the resolution of the great issues of today’s societies, in this case those associated with the rational and sustainable supply of critical raw materials.